We are happy to announce our next concert at Termas Romanas de Campo Valdés, Gijón, Spain. We hope to see you there 🙂
We are happy to announce our next concert at Termas Romanas de Campo Valdés, Gijón, Spain. We hope to see you there 🙂
On the 11th of July 2018 we won the first price of the Early Music competition in Gijon, ex aequo with Ibera Auri! It made us very happy and has given us energy to keep working! 😄 Thanks for the appraisal of our music and congratulations to all the participants. See you next time! 🎵
“Vox Tremula […] logró la magia de revivir músicas conservadas en estado latente en los pentagramas, dormidas a veces en el sueño del olvido, insuflándoles el hálito de vida, el soplo artístico revitalizante que las hizo sonar como recién compuestas.”
—Heraldo de Aragón (Julio 2018)
We totally forgot to publish these photos by Jesús García Latorre from our concert at Corrala de Santiago last summer. Good memories from Festival de Música Antigua de Granada 🙂
Last 04-11-17 we played our program Andad, passiones, andad in Gijón, as part of the Academia de Música Antigua de Gijón. Thanks a lot to organizers and audience, we had a great experience! 🙂
Vox Tremula & David Ruiz
Last 20-04-17 we premiered our English music program A banquet of musick next to percussionist David Ruiz at Palacio Orive in Córdoba. A mix of art music by M. Locke, W. Byrd, J. Dowland, O. Gibbons — and popular music from The Dancing Master published by J. Playford with arrangements and variations by Vox Tremula.
Vox Tremula Quartet
Milena Cord-to-Krax, Elena Escartín, Gonzalo Llao & Alejandra Fernández
We played our sacred music program Tres sunt in coelo with music by T.L. de Victoria, F. Guerrero & A. Lobo. We added our own diminutions to this splendid motets from the Spanish Renaissance.
¡Os esperamos! ♫